This chapter outlines the process for project proponents to register a project with the Regen Registry. The examples of phases outlined below are designed for GHG emission reduction and/or removal projects but can be adjusted for other types of ecological outcomes.
The role of Regen Registry is to review the project registration documents submitted for completeness and compatibility with the credit class and approved methodology. Additional information may be requested as needed.
Project Registration begins with Project Application that includes the following steps:
Each project proponent registering a project must submit a project plan with key information for the credit class and approved methodology. Regen Registry offers a template of a generic project plan to adapt for each credit class. Please download the editable project plan template and submit it using the Project Registration Submission form. Project proponents may use other templates if the final document demonstrates sufficient information to register a project.
As applicable, monitoring reports should be submitted with the project plan. See Regen Registry Monitoring Report Template.
Project proponents may request to designate portions of the project plan or project documentation as personal/commercially sensitive information. This information must be available for review by Regen Registry and, if applicable, the approved verifier (with non-disclosure agreements, as necessary), but will not be posted publicly as part of the project documentation on the project page unless specifically allowed. Examples of sensitive information include:
Entity name and contact information
Land tenure category (public, private, communal)
Land ownership type (owner, tenant, trust)
Established project boundaries
Regen Registry encourages that all or the majority of the information is shared publicly to the extent that is possible for the sake of transparency.
Once the project plan has been submitted, the project will move into project validation to ensure projects:
Pass project eligibility checks specified in the approved credit class and methodology
Successfully generate GHG emission removal and/or reductions expected using the models and methods outlined in the project plan including:
Internal Validation
Third Party Validation
Internal Validation
Projects will be reviewed by the Regen Registry using the following criteria:
Adherence to protocols in approved methodology
Adherence to requirements in credit class, with particular reference to:
Project ownership is stipulated in project description for the project proponent to be able to carry out project activities
Project ownership validity that provides reasonable assessment of ownership claim by the project proponent to ensure the project proponent can legally carry out project activities. This includes a review of jurisdictional and regulatory conflicts.
If a GHG Emission reduction and/or removal project as specified by methodology and credit class:
Regen Registry can recommend further assessment of projected GHG emissions reduction and/or removal estimates based on models, methodology equations and project-specific contexts
The Regen Registry team may require additional information or further clarification. If so, the project developer must make the changes and resubmit the documents within 10 days of receiving requests for additional material.
Third Party Validation
In addition to internal validation, project proponents may need third-party verification as required by the credit class. Third-party verifications, often by a validation/verification body (VVB), provide extra assurance that a project follows the rules and requirements in the credit class and Regen Registry Guide: Program Rules and Regulations. Fees and agreements for third party verification are decided by the project proponent and the third party.
Projects which have passed the project validation phase are eligible to be registered with the Regen Registry. If a project proponent decides to register a project, they must sign necessary contracts.
Once these activities have been completed, the project will be instantiated on the Regen Ledger and a corresponding project page will be created on the Regen Marketplace.